Adam Park

Master's Student

I am a masters student in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) program at Penn State University (PSU) and I joined the Koslicki Lab in Dec 2022. My major interest is to develop computational methods to solve problems or complexity bottlenecks in computational biology. Currently, I’m working on developing a computational model that describes how the commonality of kmers changes for any range of ks, which can scale to large datasets.

Prior to my study at PSU, I have worked as a software engineer developing core algorithms of the system of Seoul National University Bundang Hospital in Korea. I received bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering from Seoul National University.

Besides from the major study, I enjoy playing the piano, dancing, and outdoor activities. I love old sci-fi literatures like those written by Isaac Asimov and Ted Chiang, and modern philosophy literatures such as written by Erich Fromm, Martin Heidegger, and Frederick Niche.
